
A collection of example usages of rules_csharp for development purposes GitHub

Bazel CSharp Rules Examples


This repository provides a set of usages for the bazel csharp rules. The idea behind these examples is to cover edge cases that are encountered during development, and provide a comprehensive test (& prototype) suite.

While working on the bazel csharp rules, I have encountered bugs or small quirks that I would like to encode records of. Some of these are very minor details, so I felt it would work best to have them as an external repository.

I defined the idea behind each program here.


If you’d like to test the rules in your own repository, you can add the following to your WORKSPACE file to add the external repositories:

load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:http.bzl", "http_archive")

    name = "d2l_rules_csharp",
    strip_prefix = "rules_csharp-0.6",
    urls = [""],




Or you can consult the minimal example in usage/.